RB to EPUBConverter

Convert your files to any format


In the context of Ruby, the RB file extension is used for Ruby source code files

Ruby is a dynamic programming language known for its simplicity and productivity. RB files contain the source code of programs written in Ruby and can include definitions of classes, methods, variables, and other language elements.

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Open standard file format for e-books

EPUB is a file format designed specifically for e-books. It uses standard web technologies, such as HTML, CSS, and XML, to flexibly represent book content and adaptable to different reading devices. EPUB files can contain formatted text, images, tables, footnotes, bookmarks and other formatting elements. This format is widely used in the publishing industry and is compatible with a variety of book readers. electronics and reading applications.

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How to convert from RB to EPUB


Upload file(s) RB

Select files from your computer. You can also just drag it to this page.


Choose EPUB

Choose EPUB or any other desired output format (200+ formats supported)


Download your file EPUB

When your file is converted, you can save file EPUB immediately